Rachel Harris, PhD joins us to talk about her new book, Swimming In The Sacred: Wisdom From The Psychedelic Underground.
James W. Jesso interviewed by Swedish political satirist Aron Flam for the DEKONSTRUKTIV KRITIK podcast
James Oroc’s first book, Tryptamine Palace, is a quintessential read for those interested in psychedelic philosophy. It presents his theories on reality, God, quantum mechanics and 5-MeO-DMT that are present in Tryptamine Palace. In this interview, we scratch the surface of those theories but advance beyond the Tryptamine Palace and explore the topics of his most recent book, The New Psychedelic Revolution — the rich history of visionary art, modern festival culture, the rising popularity of 5-MeO-DMT, and his psychedelic philosophies on the nature of mind.
This video explores where I am at in regard to my perspective and relationship to Ayahuasca now. It also explores the story of my relationship to ayahuasca over time and the major changes it has passed through since my first encounters with it in 2013.
While Terence McKenna was selling out speaking events, Dennis McKenna was publishing peer-reviewed research papers. Terence sadly died in 2000, Dennis is still with us, and is in fact, with us directly on this episode of Adventures Through The Mind.
Elizabeth Bast is on the show to talk about her journey as a tantric practitioner and explore the potentials of a sexually empowered spiritual practice. We also talk about sexual consumerism; porn; toxic shame; #metoo; the historical use of entheogenic plants in yogic practice; and the (somewhat controversial) archetype of the sacred prostitute.
What does ayahuasca integration mean and how do we do it? This is the question our guest for this episode, Rachel Harris Ph.D., has been exploring intensely through research, clinical practice, and her own direct experiences.
Rev. Danny Nemu takes us on a whirlwind adventure through the historical and pharmacological origins of Old Testament and outlines the path it took from hallucinogenic rituals by desert shamans to the dry crackers and social repression of the modern era.
Here are my thoughts on how I build a personally meaningful Ceremony with Psilocybin, Magic Mushrooms without cultural appropriation.
This one goes into a pretty dark place at some points, including one of my first public explorations of my drug-induced psychosis episode back in 2009 and both of our dark encounters with ayahuasca. Plus a bunch of fun stuff too 😉
I knew this was going to be an opportunity of a lifetime, not only for myself but for you as well! There was a unique dynamic between us that morning and I knew I wanted to catch it for you. Enjoy!
Memories of ayahuasca arise, the feeling tone they echo in my soul is alive in me and now I’m sitting here immersed the presence of vulnerability and sadness.
Toad medicine facilitator Dr. Gerry and I talk about the infamous Brugmansia Tree, closely related to and possessing similar qualities as Datura. The science…
Kambo refers to the secretions of Phyllomedusa bicolor, aka the giant monkey tree frog. Originating in the Amazon Rain Forest, tribes have used the frog’s secretions as a medicine for a very long time. The secretions are placed onto freshly burned holes in the skin to generate a powerful purging effect.
Kilindi Iyi has come along and dismantled the concept of five dried grams as an apex of psilocybin intensity with his regular use of 30+ dried grams of psilocybin mushrooms…. 30 dried grams of psilocybin mushrooms, an ultra-high dose psilocybin experience.
Outlining a modern framework for spirituality and where psychedelics fit as agents of spiritual development. (Lecture followed by Q&A)
This may be amongst, it not THE BEST lecture I have ever given on this topic. I am honored and excited to share it with you now.
If you haven’t heard of Northern Alberta’s Astral Harvest Festival, you have been missing out. This is a wonderful gathering of people with fantastic conference and…