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***See below for a complete topic breakdown.***

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What lessons do our psychedelic experiences offer us in making sense of the global pandemic and all the crises that have come with it?

This is the question informing this session of the Psychedelic Café.
Our guests for this café are:

Rachel Harris

Psychologist Rachel Harris, PhD is the author of Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD and Anxiety. She was in private practice for thirty-five years working with people interested in psychospiritual development. During a decade working in research, Rachel received a National Institutes of Health New Investigator’s Award and published more than forty scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals. She has also consulted to Fortune 500 companies and the United Nations.

Listen to Rachel’s interview on Adventures Through The Mind


Tarzie McLean

Tarzie has a background in counseling and mental health and is an experienced therapist, facilitator, and program coordinator. For many years, she has been a trainer for harm reduction services at transformational festivals, mentoring people about psychedelic peer support. Tarzie completed clinical training in a psychedelic psychotherapist program this year and offers post-experience psychedelic support for people interested in integration work, through her private practice, Soul Compass Integration Therapy.

Tarzie’s Social Links: facebook | instagram

Listen to Tarzie’s episodes on Adventures Through The Mind


maria papaspyrou

Maria Papaspyrou is an integrative psychotherapist and systemic constellations facilitator in private practice in Brighton, UK. She has given talks and published articles on the sacramental and healing properties of entheogens, supporting their re-introduction in psychotherapy. She is co-editor “Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine”, and is developing T.R.I.P.P. network, a U.K. wide psychedelic psychotherapy integration database.

Maria’s Social Links: facebook | instagram

Listen to Maria’s interview on Adventures Through The Mind


Kyle Buller

Kyle has earned his B.A. in Transpersonal Psychology, where he studied the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness by exploring shamanism, plant medicine, Holotropic Breathwork, and the roots/benefits of psychedelic psychotherapy. Kyle completed his M.S. in clinical mental health counseling with an emphasis in somatic psychology. Kyle’s clinical background in mental health consists of working with at-risk teenagers in crisis and with individuals experiencing an early-episode of psychosis. Kyle also facilitates Transpersonal Breathwork workshops and is co-founder of Psychedelics Today, a media/education platform focusing on psychedelic therapy and medicine.

Kyles’s Psychedelic Today Social Links: facebook | twitter | instagram

Check out Psychedelics Today

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Episode Clips



Episode Breakdown

  • Introduction of each guest
  • Sensemaking reality
  • How do we make our challenges ‘medicine’
  • When does the ceremony end?
  • Internal vs external challenge | active engagement vs passive receptivity
  • Doing the work vs letting the work be done
  • Learning to sit in uncertainty
  • How does our perspective on death impact how we respond to the pandemic
  • The pandemic, like psychedelics, places our dying front and center in life
  • “The grief and the loss and the fertility of it all”
  • The complexity between reconnecting with nature for our individual health and the demand to stay out of the wilds for the sake of planetary health
  • Do our psychedelic experiences support our capacity to navigate crises in general?
  • A question of meaning-making during the pandemic crisis
  • We are all being affected differently
  • The privilege to see this as a learning opportunity
  • Exploring the unintended consequences of acting while highly embodied with ‘triggered’ energy
  • The complications of reactive social media engagement during times of protest
  • Are we integrating our pandemic lessons well enough to prepare for the growing climate crisis?
  • Psychedelic integration has no end
  • The ongoing process of meaning-making
  • Failing to live up to our psychedelic lessons
  • It takes a long time to integrate crisis, psychedelic or otherwise
  • The selfishness of ‘Yolo’
  • What do you bring back for the world from your psychedelic experiences?

What Is The Psychedelic Café?

The Psychedelic Café is a structured conversational space exploring various, deep questions about the nature of mind, life, and reality.
Each cafe features a curated selection of 4-5 people to explore a question according to a specific structure (outlined below), based on the method of Dharma Talking, a conversational technology from Jean Robertson, forged in The Liminal Space Agency Meta-Monstatary, and based on “The World Cafe”.
Why this style?

The cafe structure creates a quality and dynamic of conversation, idea sharing, and mutual learning that is incredibly ripe and valuable for not only the people involved but the listening audience who will be able to listen to it afterward. In the current times of uncertainty, complexity, and change, I believe the psychedelic cafe will offer content not otherwise available in a time where it is deeply needed.



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*** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, & Chuck W

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