Mijal Schmidt offers us a robust exploration of what psychedelic integration is, and the specifics of what an ayahuasca integration requires.
Dr. Eve Maram schizophrenia, the schizophrenia complex, and learning to better support those we love who suffer with schizophrenia.
Justin Townsend is the CEO and Head Facilitator at the psilocybin therapy retreat centre MycoMeditations. He is on the show for this episode to explore two topic themes: The business side of running a successful psilocybin retreat centre in the economic context of the modern corporate world without losing your ethics in the process, and the therapeutic framework and philosophy that MycoMeditations holds for their retreats and their guests.
In this psychedelic café, we explore basic info about spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis; what they are, and what causes them.
Back in 2009, I had a drug-induced psychosis. I realized that this psychotic episode was also the launching pad for my first real spiritual awakening. In this video, I share the delusion I was suffering from during that psychosis.
Psychedelic’s capacity to impact positive change in the lives of those suffering from mental illness, and even their capacity to heal it entirely is the medicalized road to their modern legitimization, but what about the discussion around psychedelic causing mental illness; psychotic episodes, transient hypomania, and even full-blown psychosis?