
Outside Interviews


This was actually a live broadcast, which is always interesting. It was pretty late for me that day, and I wasn’t caffeinated… also I didn’t now much about Michael or his show and I was a bit uneasy with his questions at first. So I may have been a bit confrontational. Maybe not? You tell me.

James W. Jesso joins Jason Abbott in a candid conversation about his book, Decomposing the Shadow: Lessons from the Psilocybin Mushroom. We talk about the darker shadow self and what can be learned from seeking within, the spiritual potential offered by psilocybin, and social evolution. We also cover meditation, the importance of surrender, and cultivating psychospiritual maturation.

In this conversation, James and I discuss how he was able to pull through a time in his life when he was abusing drugs very heavily. While living in Australia he found himself in addicted states with a slew of different substances, from LSD to speed to Valium. Mushrooms seemed to stand out as something different in the mix, and he eventually utilized them to help the underlying problem leading to his abusive behaviors.

I was honoured to be approached by obo martin of What We Bring Back to be featured on his radio show. We get rather personal as I talk about much more than the mushroom in this interview, including my experience of the tragedy at Entheos festival 2012.