In honor of World Mental Health Day and the #letstalk movement, here is a story about my journey with mental illness.

Find a therapist in your area:

Suicide help (Canada) :
Suicide help (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Try BetterHelp:
(This video was sponsored by BetterHelp, but that sponsorship has expired)
Must be 18+ to try. Plans start at $35/week.

If you are feeling suicidal, please contact a hotline immediately:

Suicide help (Canada) :
Suicide help (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

If you are struggling with making sense of a disturbing experience, be it psychedelic or otherwise and need support, or would like to just get some support and info for an upcoming experience. You can schedule a private skype call with me. Details here.

*** This video is my first (and perhaps my last sponsored video) I hope I did it in a way that honours the content primarily and the sponsorship is only an afterthought.

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